With ATALIAN‘s Energy Solutions, ATALIAN offers its clients the possibility of reducing their energy consumption via an innovative energy management solution devised in partnership with Ergelis. Thanks to an intelligent technical unit that is connected to the technical installations of the building, this solution is programmed to continually and remotely optimise the energy consumption of a building.
The Energy Manager is an energy expert in charge of monitoring the energy consumption of a building.
With the help of a network of experts, the Energy Manager coordinates surveillance actions and provides advice to improve the efficiency of buildings and equipment. In order to guarantee energy savings for his or her clients he uses remote monitoring tools to manage the building.
On office buildings, Ergelis’ Energy Manager Solution can provide up to 20% savings on energy use.
Energy Management
Decreasing energy sources and increasing environmental pollution cause energy management to become a more important issue.
Generally the energy cost of the facilities constitute between % 10-50 of the operational budget. Energy cost affects the unit cost of the product, as well as profitability and competitiveness of the business. ENERGY MANAGEMENT is unavoidable in today’s conditions. A good energy management provides energy savings between 5% and 40%.
Energy Management is the most efficient way of Smart Engineering Solutions, without making any restrictions like switching off the required lights. Another explanation of energy management is reducing energy costs per product/service/ square meter by using energy efficient, as a result more production with the same energy, and also increasing profitability.
Our company offers Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects (EEIP) by performing detailed analysis of energy consumption with expert staff. Commission of building energy manager that must be informed to “Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIE)” within the scope of Energy Efficiency Law, concerning with the regulation of the energy efficiency improvement by the use of energy and energy resources, as required by the Article 9 entitled as “Appointment of energy manager and establishment of energy management unit” demands can be met by our company.
Many prestigious buildings and exclusive production facilities are among our references.
Energy Audit
This research reveals where and how energy is being used and where energy should be saved in the entire facility. As a result of this research, your facility’s situations are estimated in terms of energy consumption, Energy Savings Opportunities are determined; back pay of the investment of the projects are also included in the reports.
2019 Applications for Detailed Mandatory Energy Audit Is On Going!
According to the. Regulation on Increasing the Efficiency in the Use of Energy Resources and Energy in the Use of Energy Sources dated 27.10.2011, the facilities with a construction area above 20.000 m2 and annual energy consumption above 500 TEP were required to conduct a detailed energy survey every 4 years, first in 2015.
For detailed information and pricing you can contact us.
Criteria for Energy Saving Projects
• Solutions will be based on the device or system.
• Suggested solutions, investments (including commissioning) payback period will be up to three years. The energy saving opportunities that exceeds three years is not offered in our reports.
• No cost (Such as operational-oriented recommendations.)
• Without equipment cost (with complete software and engineering solutions with applications)
• Low cost (savings that can be made with the use of sensor, etc.)
• Middle and High Cost (such as replacement of inefficient engines/devices with efficient ones)
After energy scanning, the energy saving projects implementation and follow-up processes of results begin. Our engineers make the necessary follow-up from our head office. If necessary, specific measurement tools are provided for confirmation of the savings.
Energy Performance Certificate
Published in the Official News No. 27075 dated December 5, 2008, “Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations” legally obliges new and existing buildings which are over 1000 m2 has to take Energy Performance Certificates (EKB). Energy Performance Certificate can be obtained by calculating Building Energy Performance (BEP).
What is Building Energy Performance Certificate?
This certificate includes the information about efficiency of energy need, energy classification, isolation properties, heating and/or cooling systems of the buildings. Building Energy Performance Certificate is valid for 10 years from the day it is prepared. Energy Performance Certificate is prepared by the competent authority and approved by the relevant administration.
Building Energy Performance Certificate:
General information of the building,
Information about regulating
Usage area of the building(m2),
Intended use of the building,
Amount of energy used for the heating, cooling, air conditioning, ventilating, lighting and domestic hot water supply of the building.
The amount of annual primary energy consumed due to each energy type.(kWh/year)
Classification of annual primary energy consumption per usage area of the building sorted by reference scale ranging from A to G.
Amount of final energy consumption produce annual greenhouse gases per usage area (kg CO2/m2-year)
Classification of annual greenhouse gas emissions per usage area of the building sorted by reference scale ranging from A to G. (kg CO2/m2-year),
Energy class according to the primary energy consumption,
Greenhouse gas emissions class according to the primary energy consumption is shown in this certificate.