ATALIAN has successfully made many references in Building Automation Systems in Turkey and abroad. It operates at every stage from the construction of turnkey automation systems to the commissioning with the programs written in the energy-saving approach, and then to the operation of the systems for the continuity of energy saving. It is the pioneer of its sector, providing services in HVAC AUTOMATION and LIGHTING with its applications and solutions that can respond to the “Efficient Consumption” and “Saving” needs revealing by the developing technology.
ATALIAN; choosing energy-efficient systems in heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting systems, and those who want to operate technological buildings with less personnel, offer benefits such as easy operation, increase in the value of the building, technical control, reporting, and access to historical information.
In buildings with building automation systems, it provides building automation system management and/or Engineering Support Services for minimizing problems, maximizing comfort, and energy savings.
Within the scope of ATALIAN Automation services;
Engineering services,
Commissioning consultancy between the contractor and the buyer,
It can support “brand-independent” in the audit of existing automation systems.
Building automation systems create significant advantages for the users in terms of both cost and operation in large-sized buildings, shopping and business centers, hotels, allowing continuous repetitive operations to be performed in the buildings. The most important feature is and helping to take necessary precautions by detecting the malfunctions and dangers that may occur.
ATALIAN; Automation System operates successfully at every stage of building automation systems, from creating a point List to material procurement, supervision service, and end connection. To the commissioning of the systems with the programs written in the energy-saving approach then to the operation of facility support and for the continuity of energy saving.
Building Automation Systems
Automation Management Services
Lighting Automation Systems
Energy monitoring and billing
Data Recording Systems
Green Building Certification (LEED & BREEAM)
Automation control modules
Lighting control units
Automation and energy monitoring software
Field equipment and sensors
Data loggers
Building automation has three main pillars; savings, comfort, and security… In a building where automation system is applied, it is possible to provide a more comfortable and safer environment with less labor force and less energy consumption by centralizing the monitoring, operation, and management of the devices used in the system.
The energy needed in the building is used in the fastest and most effective way. Immediate awareness of warnings and malfunctions speeds up maintenance and repair.
Energy expenditures are kept under more timely control. Thanks to building automation systems.
Automation is suitable for those who want to employ less staff and those who want to use technology in buildings. Increasing the value of the building along with the easy operation, easy control of the systems, reporting, access to historical information are the advantages of the commissioning service to the business. With the signature of ATALIAN in Turkey and abroad, the number of commercial enterprises that use their energy more efficiently and do their part to leave a livable world to future generations is increasing day by day.
ATALIAN provides automation system management and/or engineering support services in minimizing problems, maximizing comfort and energy savings in buildings with building automation systems.
Operating the automation system under the responsibility of ATALIAN continuously creates the following advantages;
Detailed reporting,
Instant detection and analysis of problems,
Solution suggestions and applications,
Uninterrupted system,
– ATALIAN ile destek antlaşması olan projelerde 7 / 24 kesintisiz telefon ve personel desteği,
– Periyodik ziyaretlerle, modem bağlantısı ve uzaktan destek ile düzenli mühendislik desteği,
Mechanical Audit
– For those who have been using the facility for new and years; Determination of mechanical systems status,
– Determining whether all mechanical systems are working correctly,
– Examination of systems and field equipment with “spot tests”,
– Control of the accuracy of the mounting locations and measurement settings,
– Examining the comfort problems experienced,
– Checking whether the old systems work like the first day,
– Determining and reporting the project compliance of the received heating / cooling and ventilation systems by an impartial institution,
Energy Audit
It is research that shows where and how energy is used throughout the facility and where it can be saved. As a result of this study, the state of the facility in terms of energy consumption is evaluated. Energy-saving opportunities are determined, projects including investment cost and payback period are presented in the report in general terms
Saving Solutions
It is a detailed project of the savings potential obtained from the energy study. It is suitable for those who have savings potential in their buildings and those who seek local and complete savings solutions.
Enerji etüdünden çıkan tasarruf potansiyelinin detaylandırılarak projelendirilmesidir. Binasında tasarruf potansiyeli bulunanlar, lokal ve komple tasarruf çözümleri arayanlar için uygundur.
80% of our perceptions are provided by visual means. For this purpose, illumination is necessary above all for the realization of visual functions. Lighting that is carried out considering its physiological and psychological effects should create a comfortable environment. Apart from these, with the visual effect it creates, lighting is prestige and security-enhancing element.
Our priority is to produce lighting solutions that will respond to physiological and psychological needs at the maximum level with minimum energy consumption. For this purpose, we continue to launch new products in line with the needs.
Lighting has a considerable share in electrical energy consumption in commercial buildings. In today’s world where energy should be used efficiently, it is necessary to obtain maximum efficiency with minimum energy consumption in lighting as in all other consumption items.
Saving and comfort are offered together with modules that provide savings in automatic control systems, motion sensors, light sensors, time clocks, and gas discharge lamps. Apart from the sales of the products we distribute, lighting engineering services are also provided.
ATALIAN is able to convey its knowledge to authorized persons through training and seminars it organizes for business managers, energy managers, technical managers, projectors, and electrical engineers.
Comfort in buildings,
General comfort problems and solution suggestions,
Technical systems in buildings,
Building automation system,
Energy saving in lighting,
Energy-saving working scenarios,
Correct management,
Monitoring and reporting,